Prin acest video invatati cum sa faceti asta.
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We have been trying for years and through different methods to identify our true Self.
For women, this process entails 2 stages. Firstly, they need to accept their feminity. They need to cure the fear of being a women.
With this video you will learn how to do this. Below you have the english translation of the video.
This is a transcript of a live session of
therapy with Iolanda in March of 2014. You can play the video as well while you
use the technique presented below.
Part 1 Introduction
Iolanda: - I can take things in order and say to God .. I don t know.. just to
explain, I speak in a very practical manner to God, the same way I would speak
to any other physical being. For example: „God I did this or I would want this”
or „tomorrow I have to speak in front of some people but am I capable of this?
What will I say to them? And especially how will I concentrate the information
I have in my mental library?”. Usually
the answer comes in the form of intuition and this time I asked “God, what am I
offering to these people?”. I was asking that because previously when I was
doing my meetings in the church I would be able to offer people something when
they left, but here in this context what can I offer people I wondered. And the
answer I received from inside was “knowledge”. Ok. So it doesn’t have to be
something physical, it’s not a cake, it is not money, it is not a present, it’s
knowledge. Ok. But this means I have to help you to find the answers within
yourself. This is the meaning of knowledge. If some of us knocked on this door
before in order to receive knowledge or if some of us did not even understand
that the door or the possibility of knocking existed, that is not the issue
here. This door, this path to knowledge exists anyway in our soul. And exactly
because we would not open this door, fear sets in. The first fear that I cured
myself of was – and you will understand why it is so powerful when we take into
account the uncertain times we live in – the fear of losing my job. “Who would
hire me at 48 (my age then)? What would I do? After I did only one thing for 24
years? Where would I go?”. Think about it for just a second, just close your
eyes and really think this: “Tomorrow I will be unemployed. I will lose my
job.” What do you feel? What does your inside tell you when you feed it this
information? I would like to hear from the people here. Audience member
1: - Great insecurity.
Iolanda: - Great insecurity! So you are not at ease! Your heart is racing, a
natural reaction of the body. And that is all due to one thought, you lived the
emotion only for a few seconds and you were scared. The moment I thought “Ok, I
will lose my job at 48 years of age, what would I do?” I said to myself “I lost
my job at 48! So what?”. Because it is only my emotion at play, it is not a
real fact. It was not easy though. I had heart palpitations; I felt my heart
will rip open my chest cavity. I did what we call emotion freedom technique
(EFT), with this specific fear, of losing my job and in reality my mind become
tranquil because that energy had disintegrated, this fear was only in my mind
and my heart, it was nothing real. But it is true I will never have to live
this fear because now, after this technique, this print is no longer in me.
There is someone else in this audience that I had to say this to “Imagine you
would lose your job”! Their answer was “But what will I do then?”. And my reply
was “Don’t think about what you will do! Just accept that you will lose your
job! ”. The same way one could accept that their significant other might leave
them. And what happens then? Does the sun stop rising every morning? No. Your
life ends? No. There is no more day and night? No. It will never snow or rain
again? No. So then, where do this terror and this tight grip comes from? From
the fact that someone leaves me? But is this person a part of me? No. He/she
stands next to me. When I think of something/someone as being MINE, and ah, this
expression, that is so used in every language, but I hear it especially with
Romanian women “Mine won’t do that/Mine this or mine that”. Is that so? Since
when has that person become your possession? You can maybe say for some time
about your child that it is yours, because for some time you’ve been home for
them, but the man/woman next to you, how can you call he/she your propriety?
Did you happen to buy them? For how long you own them? When you start seeing
someone as your propriety, yes, you become afraid of losing them, and the verb
“to have” gives us reassurance through greediness, but then the suffering
starts. But there comes the moment when you realize that yours, truly yours
it’s only what you have inside of yourself. Nothing that is outside you belongs
to you. It is not easy to think like that, the mind does not accept it, it says
what do you mean? He is my man, she is my woman! That is where problems are
born. This is the essence of jealousy, pain, and that is why jealousy attacks
your bones and joints, it is such a powerful emotion that affects the body
deeply. You have to come to realize that the other person can not belong to you
as he/she thinks and acts for himself/herself. But this feeling of possession
is what brings us pain and suffering.
I am not a talented artist, but I would like to show you this drawing
that impressed me. (see video – starting at minute 7:45).
A man. In the middle – its centre of gravity. If I draw a line through that
centre, what is above that line has to be symmetric to what is below the line.
Even here, the knowledge passed down from Antiquity manifests itself and tells
us about the world above and the world on this planet. So all the laws that
govern life on this planet are reflections of the Divine Laws. As above, so
below. Chinese culture speaks of the 7 chakras. So, from the pelvic region, if
I draw upward lines towards that median line, I form a triangle – the lower
triangle. From the third eye, if I draw downward lines towards the median line,
I form the superior triangle. And the space between these 2 triangles becomes a
rectangle where lies the stomach and not only the stomach but the whole
digestive system. Spiritual people speak of this space being similar to a metal
foundry. This is where we churn all of our thoughts, that is why we feel it in
our guts before a big exam or when faced with a big problem, that is why we get
gastritis/peptic ulcer, because we don’t properly “digest” a situation –
meaning we do not accept it. But if I turn and look, the superior triangle is
the same as the inferior triangle, and what does this mean? It means that where
the place of Procreation is in the lower triangle, its correspondence above is
the place of Creation. So, the energy that I use for raising my body’s
vibrations, turning my thoughts to Divinity, in a church, in prayer, however
you want, but my vibration rises because these are thoughts of high frequency,
this energy of Creation has the same force but opposite direction with the
energy of Procreation. In this context, I stop seeing sexual energy as
something to be ashamed of, something sinful, and something that needs to be
condemned. This why the Tao lessons talk about the awakening of Kundalini when
they talk about the sexual energy. Because this energy can also lead to the
awakening of the Higher Conscience. So this is our body. There is nothing shameful or sinful in
it, nothing to be chased away, there is only understanding to be gained. In the
Bible it is said that In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The apostle Paul says the Word became
body, (Word as in Divinity), so that the body can become Word. So all I have to
do is take care of this body, as I already told you, to see it as a sacred
place where Divine essence exists, as our Savior told us that within 3 days He
will destroy the Temple and rebuild it, while talking about His rising, from
physical plane to higher planes, and referring to our physical body
transforming, so this is what I also have to do. I need to change my body’s
vibrations to such a level that I feel peace, tranquility, and fulfillment. I
repeat, because they said the Word became body, so God gave us a body, so that
the body becomes Word, meaning we return to what we once were.
While this is the situation, does
fear has a place and a role still? When you know that within you, Divinity
manifests itself and you know based on the Law of Attraction that you will
attract this manifestation in your life; this is what the Universe will bring
forth in you and for you and nothing can touch you. Or how our Saviour told us in the world but not of the world. We
become part of this world through suffering, pain, unhappiness, only through
lower frequency emotions. When do we feel even in the slightest better – I
don’t know, maybe we did a pilgrimage, or we listened to a beautiful sermon, or
we went to a monastery where we felt the energy of the Earth – we are
completely different, and physical pain – headache, stomach ache, liver pain – disappears
truly. Those of you who have been in this situation know that I am not
To come back to what we want to solve
today – the fear of being a woman. I
am afraid to be a woman. I ask you, or 10 seconds, close your eyes and think
about this – deep inside of you – and tell me what your body reaction is. Think
and tell your body „I am afraid to be a woman”. You don’t have to push your
body, because it will respond to you. Tell me, I want to know your mental and physical
Audience member 1: - I felt a lump in my throat.
Iolanda: - Okay, so your
thyroid was the first to react, that means you cannot even express that. Can
you say it out loud without choking?
Audience member 1: - No, I am gasping for
Iolanda: - So you cannot
express it because this fear is too strong and too deeply rooted in you.
Audience member 2: - I feel like crying.
Iolanda:- Crying. Good.
That is okay, the time has come. A tap has been opened. It is a huge thing.
Other reactions?
Audience member 3: - I am finding it hard to breathe.
Iolanda (smiles): - It’s hard to breathe, all of the sudden
you feel a lack of air.
Audience member 4:- I felt like it is okay. I rejected this fear, I do
yoga, I have peace and tranquility.
Iolanda: - You rejected it. I do not wish to contradict you
but I believe that it is not alright to reject anything as it is part of us;
our duty is to accept its existence.
Audience member 4: - No, but through introspection
and meditation we make this tranquility for ourselves, and tell ourselves every
day „I am without fear”. I am not afraid, and we use this as a mantra. And
probably for me this feeling has become part of me, of no fear.
Iolanda: -Yes, I know you
personally, and I know you do not have the fear of being a woman. This is more
for our younger audience, maybe.
Part 3 –
Practical exercise
So, we will start this exercise and I
urge the men in the audience that while I am talking, when I use the term
woman, they should replace it with the term man. It is likely, and I feel this
in my body while we are talking that you did not accept truly your destiny as a
man and what being a man entails. But I say man as the old knowledge tells us,
having nothing to do with your physicality.
Let’s do this EFT exercise together.
It is very simple. I will give you affirmations, you can whisper them, but it is
important that you can say them out loud because as you saw, there is
difficulty when you think about something but when you try to articulate that
thought, the difficulty becomes even bigger. So I urge you to try and express
yourself and to be mindful of what it is that you are saying. It doesn’t matter
if you feel like crying or if you feel like you are running out of air. It will
pass, I guarantee you that no one will leave here with any pain or discomfort.
And we will also play with this technique, combining acupressure and mental
affirmations while we are actually unlocking some energetic points and
regaining our own energy that has been blocked.
Go to minute 20:45 in the video to see how to tap the lateral aspect of
your left hand with the index and middle finger from your right hand and while
tapping express: Although I am afraid to
be a woman, I love, accept and forgive myself profoundly and completely. I am
afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 21:24 in the video to see how to tap your right temple with
the index and middle finger from your right hand and while tapping express: I am afraid to be a woman and I am afraid
to manifest completely my sexuality, sensuality and femininity, because I am
afraid to be a woman. I admit I am afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 21:54 in the video to see how to tap the nasal part of your
right eyebrow with the index and middle finger from your right hand and while
tapping express: I am afraid to be a
woman and that is why I do not manifest my inner femininity at my own optimal
capacity, because I am afraid to be a woman. I forgive and accept all those in
my life that with knowledge or without have inspired this fear in me and blocked the feeling of femininity ever
since I was a child. That is why I am afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 22:57 in the video to see how to tap your right maxillary sinus
with the index and middle finger from your right hand and while tapping express:
I am afraid to be a woman but I accept,
love and forgive myself, profoundly and completely. I know I do not manifest
myself the way I would like to most of the time, I know that I do not express
with honesty all that I feel as a woman, to my partner, I know and admit that I
do not manifest as a woman all that I feel in front of society, due to fear and
because I forgot how it is done. I am afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 23:57 in the video to see how to tap your philtrum, between
your nose and upper lip with the index and middle finger from your right hand
and while tapping express: I admit I am
afraid to be a woman and although my soul has asked for it many times, I did
not manifest the desire to be sensual, I did not manifest or express my
sexuality either, not when I was younger and not with my partner after years of
relationship. I inhibited my femininity and sensuality in such a manner that I
can realize that the beauty of femininity has been frustrating to me, I have
been frustrated by the pleasure I am suppose to feel as a woman. In this way, I
created suffering not only for me, but also for my life partner, due to not
being honest with him, because I was afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 25:23 in the video to see how to tap below your lower lip
with the index and middle finger from your right hand and while tapping express:
I was afraid to be a woman and I am
afraid to manifest as one. I forgot what profound femininity means, I forgot
what profound sensuality means, I forgot what native sexuality means. I
identified with the social role so that I forgot that God has created me to be
a woman. I am afraid to be a woman. I am afraid also of feeling vulnerable, I am
afraid because I was told that the woman is weak, I am afraid because I
considered that being a woman means being the weaker gender. I forgot that
flexibility is actually the true power. But still, I am afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 26:56 in the video to see how to tap just below your right
shoulder with the index and middle finger from your right hand and taking deep
breaths and while tapping express: I am
afraid to be a woman and I am afraid to manifest myself openly as a woman. I
realize that femininity exists within me, that it is a way of being, of
existence, a way of joy. I did not rejoice as a woman, because I forgot I am a
woman. I am afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 27:51 in the video to see how to tap your left thumb, where
the nail bed begins with the index and middle finger from your right hand and
while tapping express: Although I am
afraid to be a woman, I accept, love and forgive myself profoundly and
completely. I admit that this means that I did not love myself, that I did not
know how to love and protect what God has given me, that I did not know how to
manifest this gift that God has given me, that of being a woman. Because before
being a mother, a child, a sister, a grandmother or a wife, I am a woman. I
take responsibility, with all my heart of my attributes as a woman and all the
gifts that derive from this and I thank my spirit for helping me understand the
force and the power that I have, because I was afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 29:41 in the video to see how to tap your left
index, where the nail bed begins with the index and middle finger from your
right hand and while tapping express: I
was afraid to be a woman and that is why I lost a lot of joy in my life and
many times I considered God to be at fault for the lack of joy, without knowing
that I did not allow myself to have them because He gave them to me when He
created me but I did not know how to rejoice in them. That is why I suffered as
a woman. I was afraid to be a woman.
Go to minute 30:33 in the video to see how to tap your left middle
finger, where the nail bed begins with the index and middle finger from your
right hand and while tapping express: Although
I was afraid to be a woman, I accept, love and forgive myself profoundly and
completely. I promise myself and my spirit that I will strive to manifest
completely all the feminine attributes that God has given to me as a gift,
because they are mine. I know this is not possession but a birth right, because
I am made by God and I love myself as a woman. I love myself as a woman.
Go to minute 31:41 in the video to see how to tap your left little
finger, where the nail bed begins with the index and middle finger from your
right hand, skipping the ring finger, we do not tap the ring finger and while
tapping express: I thank the Lord
because He helped me understand what a perfect creation of His I am, what
potential of joy exists in me, what potential of manifesting love exists in me
and here and now in a time that the Heavens support me and are open, in a time
that Mercury that governs my mind supports me, I chose to manifest, to express
and to live with all my heart as the woman that I am on the inside, in the way
that God has created me.
Go to minute 33:06 in the video to see how to tap with four fingers from
your right hand the top of your head, the place that is way of communicating
with God and while tapping express: I
give thanks to you, God with all my heart, with all my daughterly love, that
you opened my eyes and allowed me to see myself as the beautiful creation that
I am and you allowed me to see how I can access joy, that I have the right to
be happy, joyful and loved. I thank you for these gifts, God and I promise that
I will try and I ask you to help me do this all the time, I will try to
manifest my true value, as a daughter of Yours and as a woman created by You.
It is donPart 3 –
Discussion and Conclusion
Iolanda: - Physical reactions
of the body?
Audience member 1: - Headache.
Iolanda: - Correct. It was a
lot to carry.
Audience member 2: - I feel like I am
Iolanda: Great! You assimilated
completely. What is the general feeling, apart from pain, tears, and
breathlessness? When you think about being a woman? Is it still so rough; is it
still so powerful the emotion? It will settle, it requires a few minutes, at
least 10-15, so the energies that have been unlocked to settle.
Audience member 3: - There have been so many positive energies
circulating, everybody has been yawning, it is clear there has been release!
Iolanda (smiles): – Yes, now
you have so much energy, you will be moving the refrigerator and the stove and
clean the whole place.
I wanted this to be a gift for the
start of March, for women, so they can remember more than just parties for 8 of
March, and stop forgetting what it symbolizes: our femininity and our rebirth
in spring. The number 8 spiritually means transformation, death by two times, 4
by 2 equals 8, so it is our transformation, our remembrance, from our social
role to our Divine self. The moment has to come when we will remember more
often that we are women, not just physically, not just in looks, because this
is not femininity. Femininity doesn’t mean your weight, your hair color, or if
our hair is nicely done, it is an inner way of being, of feeling. And any man
will tell you that he is more attracted to a less beautiful woman but a more
warm and kind one, than he is attracted of physical beauty that has no light
and warmth inside.
I thank you for today.
După căsătorie, viața mea a fost atât de grea, încât soțul meu a început să urmărească alte femei pentru că nu i-am dat un copil după ce am așteptat câțiva ani. Mi-am văzut căsnicia dispărând. Am făcut tot posibilul pentru a schimba situația, dar nimic nu a funcționat până l-am întâlnit pe Dr. DAWN, un vindecător spiritual. Dr DAWN mi-a salvat viața și căsnicia. acum am 3 copii. Sunt recunoscător Dr. DAWN și de aceea îmi las mărturia oricărei persoane care suferă de probleme conjugale și de fertilitate. E-mail de contact: