duminică, 30 august 2015

For We All

My dear friends,

  If you covibrate with the ideea of Oncology Pacients Association-Romania(OPAR) which, following the breast ecography campaign - "I Am a Woman-no matter what" that took place in Prahova county during the last three years, ascertain the NECESSITY and EFFECTIVENESS of an ecography for the early stage detection of breast cancer, I kindly ask you to vote the petion so that this test becomes a National Programme here, in Romania.

   "I Am a Woman-no matter what!" campaign was an experience beyond professionalism.It helped me to better define the psychological side of my work specialization. I have learned that no gesture is useless.

   "I would say that this project started timidly but through its results became daring and important" said one of the two oncology doctor ladies, whose help supports the campaign.

    Mammography is relevant to a person who is above 40 years old- up until this age the structure of the breast cannot be properly rendered. Women under 40 years old do not have the chance to be diagnosed during the early stage of illness , as this increases their chance of survival.

    I thank you in the name of all 21, 27 or 32 years old women who have the opportunity of a second chance.

   If this problem is not improtant to you then, please, talk about it to other people. There are for sure women that are interested: a mother, a sister, a daughter or a friend or colleague. Any of them deserves to live.

    I thank you in the name of those who need such information.

Iolanda Gheorghiu

OPAR President


 In zi de sarbatoare, de Sf. Alexandru, tanar frumos reprezentat in iconografia crestina, va  transmit aceasta  rugaminte pentru femeile din viata voastra.  

    Pentru cele ce poarta numele de Alexandra, Andra, Alexia si alte nume derivate de la Alexandru. Dar si-n numele barbatilor ce azi isi sarbatoresc onomastica. Din doua motive:  este ziua lor si au si ei dreptul la asemenea informatie: si barbatii fac cancer de san. Mai rar si mai agresiv. Tocmai pentru ca nu te astepti la ei sa aiba un asemenea diagnostic.

   Dar asa cum spune o doamna dr.oncolog cu care lucram: si barbatii au exact aceleasi glande  mamare. Doar ca...nu produc lactatie.

    Gandindu-ne cu bine, cu drag la cei pe care ii iubim, sa le uram LA MULTI ANI!  sanatosi si fericiti.

Astept sa ne Re-Vedem In Sfera Iubirii.


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